【11月27日】管理科学与工程学院学术论坛:Are Ghettos Good or Bad? Evidence from U.S. Internal Migration
发布日期:2013-11-25主题 Are Ghettos Good or Bad? Evidence from U.S. Internal Migration
主讲人:郑亮,2013年毕业于美国克拉克大学经济系,获经济学博士学位。现为球探篮球比分,竞彩足球比分管理与工程学院讲师。研究领域是城市经济学和劳动经济学。最近的研究兴趣包括测量城市便利设施(city amenities)的经济价值,以及在城市经济学的角度分析企业家创新精神 (entrepreneurship)。
【摘要】It is difficult to determine whether ghettos are good or bad, partly because racial segregation may have some effects that are unobservable. To overcome this challenge, we present a migration choice model that allows for estimating the overall effects of racial segregation. The key idea underlying our empirical approach is that if segregation indeed has a negative overall effect, migrants should be willing to give up some earnings to avoid living in segregated cities. Using decennial census data from 1980 to 2000, we provide new evidence that ghettos are bad. It is shown that both black and white migrants prefer to live in less segregated cities. For example, for a one-percentage-point reduction in the dissimilarity index, the estimated marginal willingness to pay of young blacks is $436 (in 1999 dollars) in 2000. Among young whites, this marginal willingness to pay is $301.
主持人与评议人:王志锋 博士,教授,球探篮球比分,竞彩足球比分管理科学与工程学院城市与房地产管理系主任
时间:2013年 11月27日(周三)下午2:30-3:30