【12月18日】外国语学院2013年富布莱特访问学者系列讲座(十二):American Documentaries: Facts Versus Fabrications
发布日期:2013-12-16题 目:American Documentaries: Facts Versus Fabrications
主讲人:David Allen Sullivan
时 间:2013年12月18日(周三)下午3:30-5:20
地 点:主教306
David Allen Sullivan,富布莱特访问学者,任教于加州卡布里欧学院,同时担任Porter Gulch Review的编辑。他从事多年的文学和电影方面的教学工作,善于在教学过程中发现并解决富有挑战性的问题。此外,他还有写诗、网球、乒乓球、划桨运动、远足等广泛的兴趣爱好。
The common concept of a Film Documentary is a factual film presenting what has happened with little or no fiction. Its representation is intended to be accepted primarily as factual; and therefore, the world depicted in the documentary is real, not imaginary. The documentary filmmaker simply observes and makes an objective record of real events.
In contrast, I argue that Film Documentaries represent events, objects and people only more truthfully than other types of films. Rather than actors, people tend to play themselves, but when a camera is turned on anyone they “perform” differently. Truthfulness and factuality are only relative concepts, and are often determined by the context and preconceptions of the viewer.