【4月11日】【CHLR应用微观讲座】Automation Technology and Employment Structures in China:1990 to 2015
发布日期:2018-04-09主 题: Automation Technology and Employment Structures in China:1990 to 2015
摘 要:
From 1990 to 2015, there are three significant changes in employment structure in China. The first one is the share of routine manual jobs decreased from 56.65% to 31.58%, the second one is the share of non-employment increase from 15.85% to 30.75%, and the last one is the share of routine cognitive jobs increased from 8.17% to 19.27%. Our decomposition exercises find that the composition effect, the propensity effect and the interaction effect contribute to 67.6%, 66.4% and -34% to the fall in routine manual jobs, respectively. Meanwhile, these effects for the rise in routine cognitive jobs and for the increase in the not-working are 15.6%, 73.5%, 10.9%, and 6.9%, 92.8%, 0.3%, respectively. The pattern of change in employment structure and decomposition results in China are somewhat differ from those in developed countries, such as the United States. (JEL Classification: E24 J21 O33)
孙文凯,现任中国人民大学经济学院副教授,兼职北京大学数据中心客座研究员和中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院研究员。求学于清华大学经济管理学院,获得经济学学士(1999-2003)和数量经济学博士(2003-2008),曾于2011年9月至2012年9月在加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)做访问学者(合作教授为2000年诺贝尔经济学奖得主Daniel McFadden)。主要学术兴趣为劳动经济学,发展经济学,中国经济。文章已有在《健康经济学》、《中国经济评论》、《全球经济评论》等杂志期刊发表。
时 间:2018年4月11日星期三12:30 -13:45
地 点:学术会堂南楼608室