商学院卓越学术讲坛2025年第2期:How (Much) Does Country Matter to CSR? A Variance Decomposition Study
发布日期:2025-03-17讲座题目:How (Much) Does Country Matter to CSR? A Variance Decomposition Study
主 讲 人:王唐 副教授
主 持 人:林嵩 球探篮球比分,竞彩足球比分商学院教授
王唐,男,南佛罗里达大学商学院Nault创业中心副教授,负责商业计划等方向的研究课程教学。主要研究方向聚焦在技术创业和创新管理,包括产品开发、学术创业和高层团队管理,研究主要关注高新产业,例如计算机、软件、生物科技、金融科技等,研究成果发表在顶级期刊,例如the Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal和Strategic Management Journal,多次荣获最佳论文奖。
摘要:Prior studies have examined the influence of firm-level and industry-level factors on variation in firms’corporate social responsibility (CSR), often in a single-country setting. This study expands CSR variance decomposition research by incorporating the country level into the analysis of CSR variance, revealing the relative importance of country-specific factors in explaining CSR variation across firms. We also introduce informal institutions—collectivistic and individualistic values—as moderators of the relative importance of firm, industry, and country effects on CSR variance, advancing a multilevel understanding of how informal cultural norms shape CSR variance. Finally, we offer insights into the sources of differences in firms’substantive versus symbolic CSR, showing that symbolic efforts are more country-driven, especially in collectivistic settings. A panel of 25,309 observations from 4,287 firms across 153 industries in 71 countries for the 2003–2020 period supports our theory, which has implications for understanding CSR strategies within and across countries.